Interactive Design:The practice of designing for interactive applications, such as Interactive CD-ROMs, DVDs, Web sites, and on-line training applications.
Design- verb (used with object)
i. to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for (a work to be executed), esp. to plan the form and structure of: to design a new bridge.
ii. to plan and fashion artistically or skillfully.
iii. to intend for a definite purpose: a scholarship designed for foreign students.
iv. to form or conceive in the mind; contrive; plan: The prisoner designed an intricate escape.
v. to assign in thought or intention; purpose: He designed to be a doctor.
vi. Obsolete. to mark out, as by a sign; indicate.
- verb (used without object)
vii. to make drawings, preliminary sketches, or plans.
viii. to plan and fashion the form and structure of an object, work of art, decorative scheme, etc.
- noun
ix. an outline, sketch, or plan, as of the form and structure of a work of art, an edifice, or a machine to be executed or constructed.
x. organization or structure of formal elements in a work of art; composition.
xi. the combination of details or features of a picture, building, etc.; the pattern or motif of artistic work: the design on a bracelet.
xii. the art of designing: a school of design.
xiii. a plan or project: a design for a new process.
xiv. a plot or intrigue, esp. an underhand, deceitful, or treacherous one: His political rivals formulated a design to unseat him.
xv. designs, a hostile or aggressive project or scheme having evil or selfish motives: He had designs on his partner's stock.
xvi. intention; purpose; end.
xvii. adaptation of means to a preconceived end.
Interactive- adjective
i. acting one upon or with the other.
ii. of or pertaining to a two-way system of electronic communications, as by means of television or computer: interactive communications between families using two-way cable television.
iii. (of a computer program or system) interacting with a human user, often in a conversational way, to obtain data or commands and to give immediate results or updated information: For many years airline reservations have been handled by interactive computer systems